Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Club Penguin Money Maker Down For Good

I am sorry club penguin found and got rid of Club Penguin Money Maker.:( So it's back to getting coins the old way!



Anonymous said...

thats bullcrap!! that makes me so f-ing mad!!!how could hey do that!!!i just found out about that too! i dowloaded it and verything and then i get told its been diabled!! thats so messed up!!!i want my coins NOW!!!

Anonymous said...

Ya they cant put it down its some ones web site NOT theres

Anonymous said...

Hey I found this:

Downtime Explained
Hey everybody, I thought I'd explain the downtime while you're all waiting for ClubPenguinHQ to come back up.

My server was acting funny, so I decided to take it down for a few minutes to fix something. It became apparent that I wasn't going to be able to fix it, even with the help of Surephire staff, so they helped me move to a new (UPGRADED! :D) server. Keep in mind that this definitely isn't Surephire's fault: it's no one's.

So I moved over to a new server but realized that my most recent CPHQ backups are on a computer 10 miles away! So bear with me until I can get a chance to go get them. :D

Thanks a lot for sticking with me!
Your friend, RancidKraut

P.S. In the meantime, check out my new project:

March 17th Update!
ClubPenguinHQ will be back online by Friday, March 21st AT THE LATEST. Thanks for your patience, guys!

Anonymous said...